We did it! We completed our first term of studio classes! It wasn’t the easiest of rides but we did it and I could not be prouder.
In 'normal' circumstances, completing our first term of studio classes would be a huge achievement, but the added challenge of Covid-19 makes getting to this point even more rewarding – at times I thought it would never actually happen. It was a long wait for our first class, but after beginning classes in the studio on the 30th April the weeks just flew by.
My main aims for the term were settling in, getting to know each other, building strength and recapping basics. After everything our children have experienced in the past year, I was determined to create a warm, positive environment centred around enjoying dancing together. I can confidently say we achieved it.
The children came in every week with fabulous energy, smiles and enthusiasm. Not only that, but they also followed all the Covid procedures without a single complaint. A huge thanks must also go to our grown ups for following all instructions, and to the Crags Centre for making us feel welcome and safe.
Of course there were some unavoidable challenges. Having to move classes onto Zoom for a week in the middle of term set us back slightly but, as with everything else, our dancers and grown ups were so understanding. Unfortunately we weren’t able to do a live end of term performance, but instead a video was sent out to grown ups and I’m sure they would all agree that the children were fantastic.
For me the best part was just being in the studio and enjoying the atmosphere of teaching face to face and dancing together. I've spoken with fellow dance teachers about how grateful we are to have the option and facilities to deliver classes online, but it just isn’t the same and indeed it’s not what we train for.
On top of everything else, welcoming new faces each week meant we finished the term with more than twice the number of children than we started with! Ending the term on such a high makes me so excited to continue the journey of RMB Dance – bring on next term (of course we've got summer camps first!). Onwards and upwards!!