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Introducing... Online Adult Classes!


We're heading into a new half-term block with a very exciting addition to our timetable: online adult classes!

I've received several enquiries about adult classes over the past year or so. I'm really delighted that grown ups are keen to get involved in RMB Dance's fun!

Initially, I considered starting adult studio classes. However, I soon realised that finding a time that would be convenient, along with studio availability, was an almost impossible task! On the other hand, online classes suitably solve many of the issues I was facing.

Firstly, customers being able to participate at home greatly improves accessibility. Not having to leave the house eliminates any issue of needing childcare, and is comfortable and warm - no need to leave the house on cold/ wet/ windy evenings! It also means that classes are not only limited to those based in the area!

There are many more benefits to online classes too. I've enjoyed hearing the various reasons people would like to participate in these classes, and I understand that for some this is a huge step. I hope that being online will reduce any feelings of nervousness, and build up an online community.

That said, the main aim of these classes is to enjoy dancing together. Whether customers are joining to try a new hobby, re-establish an old hobby, improve fitness or learn a few moves to whip out at the next family wedding, I aim for classes to be enjoyable and in line with RMB Dance's primary ethos: "promoting positivity through dance".

This is something a bit different for me as well! As with anything new I start, I'm a little apprehensive, hoping I'm properly prepared and especially able to manage the technological requirements! Yet, I think it's important as a dance teacher to be open to new opportunities, to be able to keep developing.

Mostly, I'm super-excited to get started! We have 2 classes: Street Steppers Beginners (Tuesday) and Dance Fitness Intermediate (Wednesday). Book here and share with your friends!

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